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International Hiring-out of Labour

Form no.

01.010 DK/EN

About the form

Denne blanket udfyldes af danske hvervgivere, som er indeholdelsespligtige, hvis de lejer udenlandske lønmodtagere til at udføre arbejde i Danmark.

This form must be completed by Danish enterprises that are liable to withhold tax if they hire foreign labour to perform work in Denmark.

Hent blanket 01.010/ Download form 01.010 (Excel) 

Hent vejledning til blanket 01.010/ Download guide to form 01.010

Hent blanket til brug ved indberetning efter fakturasum/Download form for reporting according to the invoice sum

Vejledning i indberetning af arbejdsudleje

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Please note

Note: Please save the form on your computer before you complete it. Otherwise, you may lose unsaved data.